Sunday, December 28, 2008
Healthy Momma Challenge
As I am planning for January, I wanted to share my excitement about the great things happening with Stroller Strides in Nashville! Beginning January 26th, is the 2nd Annual Healthy Momma Challenge where moms in teams of three will focus on total health by gathering and earning points for mind, body, and spirit. Moms will keep track of their points for each of the 4 weeks of the program. At the end, the team with the highest number of points will win! Get ready for some Healthy competition mommas!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
British Study Debunked

Stroller Strides® Founder Shows Parents How to Avoid Stroller Stress for Baby
Parental Stimulation is Paramount to Stroller Design, Says Lisa Druxman
According to a recent British study, babies
pushed in an away-facing stroller could be more stressed than those who ride in a
pram that faces the parent, as they’re less likely to talk, laugh and interact during
their stroll. But don’t box up that forward-facing buggy just yet. Lisa Druxman,
founder of the country’s largest stroller exercise program, Stroller Strides, says
baby is affected by the quality of the stroller experience – not the stroller itself.
“It’s extremely important for parents to interact with baby during a stroller
walk or jog, but it’s okay if they’re not face-to-face the entire time,” said Druxman, a pre/postnatal fitness expert and mother of
two. “A forward-facing stroller ride can be an exciting adventure of sights, sounds and smells. It’s really baby’s opportunity to
interact with the outside world.”
Druxman built her Stroller Strides program on the premise that baby can both be a part of Mom’s postnatal exercise
routine and reap important social and educational benefits. The total body workout that includes stroller power walking and
body toning exercises weaves songs, rhymes and educational themes throughout, ensuring a stimulating and stress-free
experience for pint-size stroller passengers.
For the majority of families who call a forward-facing stroller their favorite, Druxman (who favors the forward-facing
models from BOB®) offers the following tips to ensure a fun and interactive outing with baby, no matter the stroller design:
1) Stop occasionally during your stroller walk to perform a few exercises and park baby to face you. He’ll get a kick out
of your bends and stretches, and the exercise routine can even help him learn direction, counting and tempo.
2) Sing to your baby during your stroller walk. Recite his favorite nursery rhyme or one from your iPod playlist – he’ll
appreciate the sound of your voice.
3) Talk to your baby as you stroll, pointing out the blue sky, green grass or other interesting objects along the path.
This is a great educational opportunity – you’ll engage his senses and increase his awareness of the surrounding
4) Play peek-a-boo with baby by occasionally adjusting his sun shade so that he can look up at you. Some stroller
brands such as BOB feature a clear window on the canopy so parents can easily peek in and say hello.
5) Walk with another parent who has a small child or with a group of women in a class like Stroller Strides. Baby and
Mom will benefit from the social interaction.
“Parents who own forward-facing strollers needn’t fret,” Druxman said. “The key to a successful stroller outing is to simply
ensure baby is stimulated by both his surroundings and the sound of a familiar voice.”
Stroller Strides classes are offered in over 800 locations in the United States and now in Canada. The hour-long classes
emphasize cardiovascular activities and muscle-strengthening exercises using resistance bands and strollers, allowing moms to
interact with their babies throughout their workout. To further assist mothers in all aspects of their lives, Stroller Strides
partners with Pampers®, LUNA® and BOB®. For more information about Stroller Strides, including class locations, visit
pushed in an away-facing stroller could be more stressed than those who ride in a
pram that faces the parent, as they’re less likely to talk, laugh and interact during
their stroll. But don’t box up that forward-facing buggy just yet. Lisa Druxman,
founder of the country’s largest stroller exercise program, Stroller Strides, says
baby is affected by the quality of the stroller experience – not the stroller itself.
“It’s extremely important for parents to interact with baby during a stroller
walk or jog, but it’s okay if they’re not face-to-face the entire time,” said Druxman, a pre/postnatal fitness expert and mother of
two. “A forward-facing stroller ride can be an exciting adventure of sights, sounds and smells. It’s really baby’s opportunity to
interact with the outside world.”
Druxman built her Stroller Strides program on the premise that baby can both be a part of Mom’s postnatal exercise
routine and reap important social and educational benefits. The total body workout that includes stroller power walking and
body toning exercises weaves songs, rhymes and educational themes throughout, ensuring a stimulating and stress-free
experience for pint-size stroller passengers.
For the majority of families who call a forward-facing stroller their favorite, Druxman (who favors the forward-facing
models from BOB®) offers the following tips to ensure a fun and interactive outing with baby, no matter the stroller design:
1) Stop occasionally during your stroller walk to perform a few exercises and park baby to face you. He’ll get a kick out
of your bends and stretches, and the exercise routine can even help him learn direction, counting and tempo.
2) Sing to your baby during your stroller walk. Recite his favorite nursery rhyme or one from your iPod playlist – he’ll
appreciate the sound of your voice.
3) Talk to your baby as you stroll, pointing out the blue sky, green grass or other interesting objects along the path.
This is a great educational opportunity – you’ll engage his senses and increase his awareness of the surrounding
4) Play peek-a-boo with baby by occasionally adjusting his sun shade so that he can look up at you. Some stroller
brands such as BOB feature a clear window on the canopy so parents can easily peek in and say hello.
5) Walk with another parent who has a small child or with a group of women in a class like Stroller Strides. Baby and
Mom will benefit from the social interaction.
“Parents who own forward-facing strollers needn’t fret,” Druxman said. “The key to a successful stroller outing is to simply
ensure baby is stimulated by both his surroundings and the sound of a familiar voice.”
Stroller Strides classes are offered in over 800 locations in the United States and now in Canada. The hour-long classes
emphasize cardiovascular activities and muscle-strengthening exercises using resistance bands and strollers, allowing moms to
interact with their babies throughout their workout. To further assist mothers in all aspects of their lives, Stroller Strides
partners with Pampers®, LUNA® and BOB®. For more information about Stroller Strides, including class locations, visit
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Jar Story-My Favorite
A Story of Priorities and a Jar
Tips for Squeezing More into Your Life -- By Julie Isphording, former Olympian.
The following story is one that’s been circulating for awhile. I believe it holds a very important message regarding appropriately setting priorities in our lives. It is one of my favorite's....
A professor of philosophy stood before his class with some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks about two inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was full. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly and watched as the pebbles rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The professor then asked the students again if the jar was full. They chuckled and agreed that it was indeed full this time. The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. The sand filled the remaining open areas of the jar. “Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar signifies your life. The rocks are the truly important things, such as family, health and relationships. If all else was lost and only the rocks remained, your life would still be meaningful. The pebbles are the other things that matter in your life, such as work or school. The sand signifies the remaining “small stuff” and material possessions. If you put sand into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks or the pebbles. The same can be applied to your lives. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are truly important. Pay attention to the things in life that are critical to your happiness and well-being. Take time to get medical check-ups, play with your children, go for a run, write your grandmother a letter. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, or fix the disposal. Take care of the rocks first – things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. Finding time in the day for fitness, like Stroller Strides, or participating in other athletic endeavors should be considered a “rock” for us all. Physiologically, working out releases endorphins in the body. These endorphins are natural pain-relievers produced by the body. This is what gives us the natural high experienced after a workout. This natural high has the potential to positively influence our daily interactions by making us feel better about ourselves. Make fitness a rock solid priority in your life and reap the benefits.
Tips for Squeezing More into Your Life -- By Julie Isphording, former Olympian.
The following story is one that’s been circulating for awhile. I believe it holds a very important message regarding appropriately setting priorities in our lives. It is one of my favorite's....
A professor of philosophy stood before his class with some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks about two inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was full. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly and watched as the pebbles rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The professor then asked the students again if the jar was full. They chuckled and agreed that it was indeed full this time. The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. The sand filled the remaining open areas of the jar. “Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar signifies your life. The rocks are the truly important things, such as family, health and relationships. If all else was lost and only the rocks remained, your life would still be meaningful. The pebbles are the other things that matter in your life, such as work or school. The sand signifies the remaining “small stuff” and material possessions. If you put sand into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks or the pebbles. The same can be applied to your lives. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are truly important. Pay attention to the things in life that are critical to your happiness and well-being. Take time to get medical check-ups, play with your children, go for a run, write your grandmother a letter. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, or fix the disposal. Take care of the rocks first – things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. Finding time in the day for fitness, like Stroller Strides, or participating in other athletic endeavors should be considered a “rock” for us all. Physiologically, working out releases endorphins in the body. These endorphins are natural pain-relievers produced by the body. This is what gives us the natural high experienced after a workout. This natural high has the potential to positively influence our daily interactions by making us feel better about ourselves. Make fitness a rock solid priority in your life and reap the benefits.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Watch this video when you need a little inspiration as a mom. Stroller Strides helps gives moms the strength for motherhood through friendships, support and fitness. If you are a mom, then you are an athlete. Pass this video on to give your friends the strength.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Stay Strong Stay Confident
Have you read, "The Secret"? If not, the gist is to always keep a positive mind and positive things will happen. Well, that is quite basic, but it is the truth. Negativity shuts people down, closes people off. You know that little voice inside of you? It can be shut off! I write this not only as a reminder to everyone, but also a reminder to myself. With changing times, in order to keep things afloat, sometimes we have to work really hard to find those positives in our life. SO, some things I do are to take a deep breath and look around. Take some perspective is what I tell myself. Some days are easily bogged down with the nitty gritty. SO I try to smile and look for the sunshine it it all. Please join me to do the same.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Going to San Diego
I can not possibly contain myself! I am off to San Diego in one week! Each year, Stroller Strides holds a National Conference. Franchisees and Instructors come from all over the country to meet and greet fellow Stroller Striders. It is an amazing way for us to get rejuvinated. We come back with new techniques and fresh ideas for teaching classes and running the business. The hardest part will be leaving my 4 year old and 4 month old. I am already dreading how much I will miss them, but it's just a small sacrifice I will make. I can't wait to post about all I learned when I return.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Being a POSITIVE role Model
This was taken from my dear friend, Rachel in Richmond. But as I was reading this article I just had to post it here and talk about it. You can read her post about it as well on her Stroller Strides Richmond Blog.
It is so challenging feeding a 4 year old! I have that mommy guilt every time I feed her pasta-even if I put a vegetable of her choice in it because I feel like she eats so much, she is going to turn into a noodle! We try and offer her new foods, and sometimes it does work, but I worry so much about what she eats now and how it will affect her future eating habits. I am going to try some of the things the article talks about. Especially not rewarding her or praising her every time she eats something healthy. I sure don't reward myself with extra TV or a dessert if I eat all my salad! I want her to learn, as I have, that the reward to eating healthy foods is how you and your body will feel in the long run!
It is so challenging feeding a 4 year old! I have that mommy guilt every time I feed her pasta-even if I put a vegetable of her choice in it because I feel like she eats so much, she is going to turn into a noodle! We try and offer her new foods, and sometimes it does work, but I worry so much about what she eats now and how it will affect her future eating habits. I am going to try some of the things the article talks about. Especially not rewarding her or praising her every time she eats something healthy. I sure don't reward myself with extra TV or a dessert if I eat all my salad! I want her to learn, as I have, that the reward to eating healthy foods is how you and your body will feel in the long run!
Instructor Training
Last weekend I hosted a Stroller Strides Instructor Training here in Nashville. Farel Hruska, The National Fitness Director for Stroller Strides came from San Diego to teach 24 women how to become GREAT Stroller Strides Instructors. It was so wonderful having her here and as always, I learned so much from her, as did all the ladies. We had women from Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, Missouri, and even Washington State! On both Saturday and Sunday morning, Farel taught AMAZING classes at Centennial Park in Nashville, whoo was I sore! You can view some pictures here
I am so excited to have had Farel here to train 7 of my own instructors and I look forward to getting them out to teach classes and touch more women's lives in and around Nashville!
Thank you SO much Farel!!
I am so excited to have had Farel here to train 7 of my own instructors and I look forward to getting them out to teach classes and touch more women's lives in and around Nashville!
Thank you SO much Farel!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Join The Franklin Classic With Stroller Strides
For the past three years, Stroller Strides has been part of the Franklin Classic, a race benefiting the Mercy Children's Clinic in Franklin, TN. Mercy Children's Clinic provides quality healthcare to ALL children regardless of their economic background. What a wonderful way for moms to give back to the community! Please join us this year by registering at and sign up under TEAM STROLLER STRIDES. Last year we won for having the most spirited team, can we do it again? You can either register to run the 5K,10K or walk the 4K.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I am getting so excited about the Olympics! As I was watching the ceremony last night it was so intriging to see all the different countries a people involved, all for one common reason. I love that healthy competition, exercise and wellness is one thing that brings our worl together.
As one of our many specialty classes this month at Stroller Strides, one of my instructors is doing a MommyOlympics class. The week before they are decorating tshirts for the event. They are going to have a blast!
As one of our many specialty classes this month at Stroller Strides, one of my instructors is doing a MommyOlympics class. The week before they are decorating tshirts for the event. They are going to have a blast!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A Mom's Day
I wanted to write a little about my day because at the end of the day sometimes I just think, can't there be more hours? I just have so much more to do, but I am just too tired! Granted, I am still getting used to a newborn, but life does not stop because of that. But, I realized, why not? It's all about my personal perspective on things. So, I decided at the end of the day, to just take a deep breath, remember to keep my schedule and my calendar, and go to bed knowing that I was the best mom I could be that day.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mommy Makeover
So, I keep hearing this term, Mommy Makeover...over and over again. There was a segment on the Today show this week talking about these things and I couldn't believe they barely mentioned what we all know we should do to get the baby weight off...exercise! Believe me, I know it is hard, I am only six weeks post partum and I am just dying to get my body back. But I know it takes time, as all my members keep reminding me about. Wait, shouldn't I be telling them that!
Anyway, the segment said that Mommy Makeovers (talking about surgery) can cost between $25,000-$30,000!! Um, let me see, what can I buy with that? A nice car, a huge down payment on a house, um...oh yeah, I know... I could buy 50 mommies one year memberships to Stroller Strides!!!
Anyway, the segment said that Mommy Makeovers (talking about surgery) can cost between $25,000-$30,000!! Um, let me see, what can I buy with that? A nice car, a huge down payment on a house, um...oh yeah, I know... I could buy 50 mommies one year memberships to Stroller Strides!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Smile Mommy! Diaper Service in Nashville
So, I adventured into new territory with my second child. Cloth diapering! And I absolutely love it. I am not sure what part I love, but maybe it's the feeling I get that I know I am doing my little part for the environment. I can't tell you how easy it is. believe me, I would not do this if I had to wash them myself. But, Nashville has a new service called Smile Mommy. You can visit their website at
The owners are two moms themselves and they are great! They came out to my house to show me and teach me how to do it all, and it really did not take long, and after 5 weeks, I really have it down. They are even their for new mommy support. Check it out!
The owners are two moms themselves and they are great! They came out to my house to show me and teach me how to do it all, and it really did not take long, and after 5 weeks, I really have it down. They are even their for new mommy support. Check it out!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Will life get back to normal?
I am in baby bliss. My son, Ellis Harmon, was born on Friday, May 23rd, 2008. That was 3 weeks ago. In a way it seems like 100 years ago, and in other ways it feels like just yesterday. But, the best part is I feel like I have known him forever. My four year old is adjusting so well. Better than my husband and I could have ever imagined. I think it was the "Big Sister Party" we threw for her the day we brough Ellis home. She loved that!
Now, when will life get back to normal? If I am not feeding, I am pumping, if not that, I am consoling him as he is so gassy at times, if not that it's, laundry or the dishes, or cleaning up. So, how am I writing on my blog? I made myself! I said it was time! I put it on my calendar. So, I think that is going to have to be my new time clock, everything will be scheduled on my calendar!
I can't wait to get back to my Stroller Strides classes! I have some great instructors teaching my classes in Nashville, Spring Hill, Franklin, and Brentwood, and I couldn't do this without them. But, I can't wait to get back and get to exercising again. I think that will be the ultimate feeling for me of "getting back to normal"...or something like that.
Now, when will life get back to normal? If I am not feeding, I am pumping, if not that, I am consoling him as he is so gassy at times, if not that it's, laundry or the dishes, or cleaning up. So, how am I writing on my blog? I made myself! I said it was time! I put it on my calendar. So, I think that is going to have to be my new time clock, everything will be scheduled on my calendar!
I can't wait to get back to my Stroller Strides classes! I have some great instructors teaching my classes in Nashville, Spring Hill, Franklin, and Brentwood, and I couldn't do this without them. But, I can't wait to get back and get to exercising again. I think that will be the ultimate feeling for me of "getting back to normal"...or something like that.
Spring Hill,
Stroller Strides
Friday, May 2, 2008
Vote For Lisa!
Lisa Druxman is the founder of Stroller Strides. Did you know it all started in San Diego almost 7 years ago! I was just discussing with a friend how many women Stroller Strides has touched. Her and I happen to be two...a great friend I have made, and fellow Richmond Stroller Strides franchisee, we never would have met if it weren't for Stroller Strides and Lisa Druxman!
So, Lisa is a semi-finalist for America's Favorite Mom Contest! You can go to and click on the links to vote for her! She will also be on the Today's Show on Tuesday!
So, Lisa is a semi-finalist for America's Favorite Mom Contest! You can go to and click on the links to vote for her! She will also be on the Today's Show on Tuesday!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
My Blog is born!
One of my business goals this month was to start blogging! So here I go. I am the owner of DP Fitness, Provider of Stroller Strides Nashville where moms and dads can come WITH their babies and toddlers in strollers and get a total body challenging workout in an hour from instructors who are certified to teach these specialized classes. I personally have been teaching for almost three years and love it. I am 3 weeks from giving birth to my second child and this pregnancy has been wonderful...due to exercise!
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