Saturday, September 20, 2008

Being a POSITIVE role Model

This was taken from my dear friend, Rachel in Richmond. But as I was reading this article I just had to post it here and talk about it. You can read her post about it as well on her Stroller Strides Richmond Blog.

It is so challenging feeding a 4 year old! I have that mommy guilt every time I feed her pasta-even if I put a vegetable of her choice in it because I feel like she eats so much, she is going to turn into a noodle! We try and offer her new foods, and sometimes it does work, but I worry so much about what she eats now and how it will affect her future eating habits. I am going to try some of the things the article talks about. Especially not rewarding her or praising her every time she eats something healthy. I sure don't reward myself with extra TV or a dessert if I eat all my salad! I want her to learn, as I have, that the reward to eating healthy foods is how you and your body will feel in the long run!

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