Sunday, December 20, 2009

Luna Moms Club Weekly Tip

The average consumer wraps 20 gifts during the holidays. If just 3 of those gift were wrapped in reused paper or a paper alternative, the paper saved could cover 45,000 football fields!
Use decorative newspaper ads, colorful pages from magazines, old book pages, music sheets, old maps, calendars, or Sunday comics to wrap with.
Use children's drawings and paintings that you don't want to throw away for wrapping paper.
Cut wrapping paper or children's art to fit the top and bottom of a gift box and permanently attach it, so it may be reused.
Reuse old ribbons and wrapping paper (if wrinkled, press with a warm iron)
Use flowers, evergreen sprigs, rosemary, pinecones, yarn or reusable hair ribbons instead of plastic bows.
Use the fronts of old holiday cards as name tags for this year's gifts.
Create a scavenger hunt in your home by hiding unwrapped gifts and giving each of your family members clues to find them.

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